We have just launched a new version of our company website, i.e. www.nettom.com. This time, the introduced changes include a wider scope of the site.
Our creative team produced the site’s graphic design from scratch and, subsequently, started preparing photographs, diagrams , icons and graphics to complement it. We have selected only 34 out of 500 photographs taken, which are now displayed under the subpages of the “About us” section. Using a light box we made photos which fully and precisely met our needs. In addition, almost 60 icons and pictograms as well as nearly 300 new screenshots were made for products on our offer and new projects added to the Projects section.
Our programmers re-programmed the entire front of the website and adjusted the administration panel to the new functionalities. Detailed descriptions of individual parts of projects were supplemented with relevant maps which facilitate visualisation of specific modules of implemented Internet systems.
Following completion of work aimed at the extension of the administrative part of the new website, we commenced entering the content. We wrote dozens of new texts to be published on the website but, most of all, we added descriptions of recently completed projects. That was the most difficult and laborious part of work preceding the website’s publication. After uploading all the texts and screenshots, we determined that our portfolio grew by 154 projects.
You are to welcome discover new components and functionalities of our website, some of which may be copied onto your system.